Trophies is a 17-piece installation art work, consisting of 17 casts of live women participating in a women’s protest march, carrying blank protest signs, and wearing historic pussy hats. Two of the women sit on a wooden bench, and one on the ground. Two of them hold infants. The installation can be shown in a minimum space of 30’ x 25’.
Trophies depicts women’s historic struggle for equality. Contemporary American society, and societies around the world, continue to regard women as less relevant, less capable, and less deserving of autonomy and agency than their male counterparts. Trophies was created with the intention of rejecting this long-held global myth.
In my recent work, I apply plaster bandages to the body, and mixed media. The resulting casts are composed to reflect aspects of the human, and frequently, the female experience.
I have chosen to make work on the topic of women because I am troubled by society’s proclivity to twist sublime qualities of being female into shortcomings. I am interested in the historical determination of the women who push back, and use their metaphorical elbows to make room for themselves.
Trophies 2023
Plaster bandage, mirror, wool, wood, plastic, metal, fabric
Installation dimensions variable (life-size figures)