Artist Statement
Symbols and metaphors are the language of the individual and the collective unconscious. They can serve as entré to reflections on the nature of humanity, the soul, and the interdependence of all life. Guided by my career practice in psychotherapy and healing, I create lifecasts in plaster bandages, depicting women's historic role of inequality, pushing back to move forward.
Sculpting the female form is humbling, imbuing each sculpture with a sense of presence. The figures, sculpted at human-scale, develop through a multi-step process of casting that can only be described as breathing life into plaster. What begins as a translation of figures from visions found in the insomniatic twilight between dreaming and waking, gradually becomes an exercise in transmutation, one driven by the impulse to connect.
These figures are totems: protective guides that invite an expanded cosmology and expanded notion of harmony. In a single breath, each figure is both mirror and portal. Through their feminine forms—so clearly but one step removed from this reality—they ask viewers to momentarily part with their strict perceptions: reality-unreality, Self-Other, to refocus on the closeness and likeness of all the interconnected lives on this planet.